Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Question of "Why?"

So I've been totally avoiding this assigned entry on why we're heading in the professional direction that brought us to A&P because at this juncture I'm not committed to necessarily going to nursing school. If I were to go to nursing school it would be primarily to have a resulting job that paid me more than $5K a year. (I keep telling my husband that someday we'll retire off the "doula monies". Then we laugh like crazy.) But choosing a field for its financial security has gotten me in trouble in the past, resulting in my EBT (everything but thesis) degree, which of course is really no degree at all. I have friends that are nurses and they both say the same thing - they like the actual work of nursing and hate the hospital politics and staffing problems. And I figure that I would like the actual work of nursing and hate the rest as well. So I'm not committed at this point.

But even if I continue on as a doula the information will be helpful for me, particularly in reading research papers dealing with various aspects of prenatal health and birth care. If I end up pursuing homebirth midwifery it would be even more helpful in that I think it's important to fully understand the care I would be providing, and anatomy and physiology would be huge keys to that understanding. Of course this path would have its own rewards and challenges. Being able to be a part of actual cooperative health care with a midwifery client would be great. Being responsible for providing primary care is a Big Deal, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

So I suppose I could say that it's not that I have no idea of "why", but have many complex "whys" to consider, and don't have a clear answer or a clear path at this point.